Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Society
The Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Society is a vibrant community for cactus and succulent enthusiasts in San Luis Obispo county. We hold monthly meetings where both beginners and experienced growers gather to learn, share knowledge, and enjoy the beauty of these unique plants.
The society hosts an annual show and sale, showcasing hundreds of cacti and succulents in diverse varieties. We also offer a library of resources and hold events like plant auctions, fostering a welcoming and informative space for anyone interested in the fascinating world of cacti and succulents.
Upcoming Meeting:
Sunday, February 9, 2025 2:00pm
Odd Fellows Hall
520 Dana St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Speaker: Kevin Kreucher: Crazy4Cactus Guy
Topic: Euphorbias
All are Welcome!!
The Central Coast Cactus and Succulent Society meets on the second Sunday of every month. If you are new to the hobby, looking for advice on growing plants, and want to learn more about cacti and succulents, we’re the place! If you’re an experienced grower, looking for stimulating programs, activities, and camaraderie, we’re the place!
Our meetings feature:
• Programs covering a wide variety of topics
• A chance to socialize with other “cactophiles”
• Monthly plant exchanges and raffle
• “Plant of the Month”: see examples of, and learn about different plants every month
• “Brag Table” to share your successes and see those of others
• Opportunities to “ask the experts”
• An extensive library with free lending to members
• Delicious snacks and refreshments
• Free plant for first-time visitors
Monthly meetings are held at 2:00 PM, the second Sunday of each month, at the San Luis Obispo Oddfellows Hall, located at 520 Dana Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. We typically have 100 members attending each meeting. Click here for a map of the location.
You are invited to join our club, attend our meetings, participate in the annual Show and Sale, and become as involved as you like. For information about joining the CCCSS click here.